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Title: Report of the task force on greening India for livelihood security and sustainable development
Organization:Planning Commission, Government of India

Forest and trees are natural assets that provide a variety of benefits to the mankind. Rural people migrate to cities in the hope of finding jobs and for improving their economy but most of them are forced to live in slums consequently, triggering negative environment affecting health and livelihood of the urban population. Greening India Programme is faced with the problem of lack of awareness about multiple roles/benefits of trees, especially their role in drought proofing, prevention of soil and water run-off, bio-remediation of agricultural land, supply of food, fodder, fuelwood, fibre and fertilizer. Thegreening programme suffers from low level of technology, low level of investment, inadequate research and extension, weak planning capability, wastage in harvesting and processing, market imperfections, excessive government control, low level of people’s participation and NGOs involvement, lack of private sector participation, unwanted restrictions on felling, transport and marketing of forest produce grown by the people, lack of inter-sectoral coordination. This programme has to address environmental challenges, livelihood security and sustainable development. Without greening environmental deterioration and economic decline will be feeding on each other leading to pollution, poverty, poor health, political upheaval and unrest. The report is a comprehensive strategy and action plan of 10 years for greening the country by bringing one-third of the total geographical area under forest/tree cover. It will ensure conservation of all natural resources besides improving ecology, economy and generation of productive employment and ensuring food accessibility to 100 million people by providing them food under “food for work” scheme.

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