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Title: Enviro Monitor
Organization:The Energy and Resources Institute
Date:June 2016

This issue of Enviro Monitor looks at topical developments on air quality, water stress, waste management, climate change and mineral resources.

Air quality. The global number of premature deaths due to air pollution will increase significantly, touching 7.5 million in 2040, unless the energy sector that emits majority of air pollutants takes greater action to curb emission, says the World Energy Outlook Special Report 2016: Energy and Air Pollution, that was released recently…

Water stress.Of 11 states ravaged by drought in 2016, seven – Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Telangana – had less than average water in their reservoirs in June…

Waste management. A team of researchers at MIT’s Materials Systems Laboratory and Tata Center for Technology and Design is developing a decision-support tool to help Indian cities optimize the way they collect, transport, and treat household waste…

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