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Title: Lessons Learned in Water Accounting
Organization:Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Source: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper

Water accounting seeks to provide comprehensive, consistent and comparable information related to water for policy- and decision-making to promote a sustainable use of water resources as well as equitable and transparent water governance among water users. One of the frameworks for environmental and economic accounting is constituted by the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA), which the United Nations Statistical Commission endorsed as an international standard in 2012. SEEA contains standard concepts, definitions, classifications, accounting rules and accounting tables for producing internationally comparable statistics. This document examines the accounting tables designed by the SEEA accounting framework and investigates the likelihood of the SEEA reflecting the dependence of the fisheries sector on water resources and accounting for fisheries and aquaculture fisheries water uses and requirements. Through the lens of the fisheries sector, a more in-depth understanding of the SEEA framework for water accounting emerges.

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