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Title: Comparative study of detoxification of heavy metals by Potamogeton pectinatus and Potamogeton crispus species
Author:Chaurasia S, Singh R, Gupta A D and Tiwari S.
Source:Indian Journal of Environmental Protection Vol 32 (12): 1010-1015p.

Heavy metal toxicity and danger of their bioaccumulatio in the food chain represent one of the major environmental and health problems as it may enter in the human body through food chain, water, air, or absorption through the skin. Therefore, studies of detoxification of heavy metals by some plant species studied is necessary for the good environment and human health. Heavy metals stress was studied in Potamogeton pectinatous and Potamogeton crisp us were treated with 4 different metals of same concentration of 5 ppm for 5 day in aseptic condition in culture. Potamogeton pectinatous and Potamogeton crispus survives in treatment with heavy metal without visible damage. Potamogeton pectinatous is better adopted under metal stress in comparession to Potamogeton crispus. The Potamogeton crispus is more tolerant in metabolic activity in compression to Potamogeton pectinatous for protein, cystein, monodyaldehyde and caro-tenoids. The decrease• of chlorophyll, protein, cystien and carotenoid were observed due to effect of heavy metal concentration.