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Success stories

Under Success Stories, case studies and best practices are captured to demonstrate community initiatives.


Innovations highlight clean and appropriate technologies that have implications at global as well as local level.

Information bank

Information Bank is a collation of bibliographic details of information resources such as Government documents; research papers; policy briefs; reports; policies, acts and notifications.


News section provides details of recent developments in the field of sustainable development.

 Find   Results 21 - 40 of 590  
Title Location Theme Source Date of publication
Information Bank
Pathways to sustainable waste management in Indian Smart Cities India Waste management Journal of Urban Management 22 October 2020
The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture Natural resources 2019
India Water Tool 3.0: user guide Natural resources 2019
Renewables in cities: 2019 global status report - preliminary findings 2019
Ground water year book India 2018-19 India Natural resources December 2019
The Business of Planting Trees: A growing investment opportunity Natural resources 2018
Parched Power: Water demands, risks, and opportunities for India’s power sector Energy,Natural resources 2018
Persistent organic pollutants in Indian environment: a wake-up call for concerted action India Health,Natural resources January 2018
Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific 2017: Measuring SDG progress in Asia and the Pacific: Is there enough data? Climate change,Natural resources 2018
The impact of adopting risk-reducing, drought-tolerant rice in India India Climate change,Natural resources March 2018
Maharashtra Green Building Policy (Draft) India Energy,Natural resources,Sustainable infrastructure Government of Maharashtra November 2018
Lancet Countdown 2018 on Health and Climate Change Climate change,Health The Lancet 392 (10163) December 2018
Higher ambitions, higher expectations: CDP Europe report 2018 Climate change 2018
Sustainable Development Goals and Gram Panchayats: The Future We Want India Poverty & livelihoods 2017
Ecological footprint and real income: Panel data evidence from the 27 highest emitting countries Natural resources Ecological Indicators (77) June 2017
Climate change adaptation and the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF): Qualitative insights from policy implementation in the Asia-Pacific Climate change Climatic Change 140 (2) January 2017
The association between ambient fine particulate air pollution and lung cancer incidence: Results from the AHSMOG-2 study Health,Natural resources Environmental Health Perspectives 125(3) March 2017
The concept of sustainable chemistry: Key drivers for the transition towards sustainable development Natural resources Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy (5) June 2017
Future air pollution in the Shared Socio-economic Pathways Health Global Environmental Change (42) January 2017
Energy recovery from waste in India: An evidence-based analysis India Energy,Waste management Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments (21) June 2017