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The biomass gasifier is a clean energy technology that utilizes biomass for the purpose of power and thermal generation. With the rising diesel and petrol prices, biomass as an alternate fuel has attracted significant attention in the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) sector.
Biomass as a fuel plays an integral role in the Indian economy, contributing nearly 28% to India's Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES). However, only 2-3% of biomass is utilized in modern, efficient technologies while the majority of biomass is burnt directly and is used primarily in domestic cooking. In order to sustain the high growth rates, access to clean forms of energy at affordable prices is integral, particularly for MSMEs, which contribute substantially to the country's economic growth. There are many energy-intensive industries among MSMEs which use commercial fuels like coal, oil and gas or biomass fuels in an extremely inefficient manner. In most of these industries, energy costs account for nearly 30-50% of the total cost of production.
This case study highlights the application of TERI's biomass gasifier technology for thermal application by an entrepreneur. The entrepreneur applied the technology in a food processing unit in Chennapatana located 60 kms from Bangalore (in Karnataka state) and later replicated to install 15 more units benefitting MSMEs.
Outcome/Benefits: Key outputs include fuel saving of up to 50% with respect to direct wood/saw dust fired; smoke less/ free from fly ash; operator is free from loading wood in high temperature conditions; high quality of product due to uniform temperature; reduction in wastage; wood loading reduced to once in 12 hours; faster production; and 60% saving on fuel compared to furnace oil. After installing the gasifier for this particular intervention, the entrepreneur received a significant amount of appreciation & positive feedback within the region where he further replicated the technology. The technology is currently also promoted and adopted by other entrepreneurs across the country in states such as Gujarat, Maharashtra, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh. The biomass gasifier for thermal applications is a technology that may be used for a number of applications such as silk reeling, food processing, bakery, foundries, spices processing etc. Therefore, even if the technology is not specifically required for food processing, it may be appropriate for a variety of other applications. The gasifier can not only be used at an industry level, but also on an individual basis for lighting cook stoves in the households etc.
Commercially tested: Yes
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